GREEN LIFE PACK: Gotu Kola, Graviola Leaf and Moringa Leaf

$69.99 On Sale

Fortify your physical body, build a powerful nutritional base, and improve cognitive function, concentration + memory with Mare Maia’s GREEN LIFE PACK and save 20% off the normal retail price!


Increase calmness, contentedness + alertness, improve mood and stimulate new brain + nerve cell growth with the neuroprotective anti-oxidant, GOTU KOLA:

Optimise your nutritional base and boost immune function via the exceptional nutritive qualities of the leaves of the ‘miracle plant’ MORINGA:

Renowned for its selective cytotoxic and anti-cancer properties, GRAVIOLA LEAF has been used in traditional medicine for centuries:


Usually $85.00, now just $69.99, shipping FREE.
